About Us

LaPriel Dye

I love the written word.

From a young age, the magic of books and the written word have been my constant companion; and I’ve always been a voracious reader.  Because of my love for the written word, English was always my favorite class especially the year I was the only girl in an all-boy English class helping all the guys with diagramming sentences.  Yes, I’m that old.

I am a retired, government paralegal.  I have been writing, editing, proofing documents, legal filings/briefs, Utah Administrative Code, government policies and procedures and grant applications/reports for over five decades.  My honed skills, keen eye for details and research skills were a great asset; and I excelled in the legal field in working with legislators, the attorney general, appellate mediator, and law enforcement.

Upon retirement, I started editing Melanie P Smith’s books and found great satisfaction and a renewed life purpose taking shape in storytelling and the story coming to life on the page.  Again, my honed skills and keen eyes for grammar/punctuation and story inconsistencies sharpened my declining cognitive thinking skills while editing and proofreading.  I love the written word…so much so… that I could not stop proofreading and editing until the book was complete.  Thus, always a short editing turnaround.  Melanie referred me to other authors and I was able to continue to sharpen my skills and feed my soul. 

I love the written word…and I look forward to providing you with great service, quick turn-around, and quality edits.